Authors Note: Thoughts

When I started this page, it was for a class assignment. But as you maybe able to tell, I haven’t really posted since. I have a few drafts in the back, but those never made it out. Maybe some time in the future I’ll release those for the public to see, but as of right now, I am redefining what exactly I want to do with this resource. It’s been a few years and I have had quite a few life experiences occur to me and I’ve grown since. One of those life experiences has taught me how to better express and work through my hindrance to my barriers in communication to the world. I may go into details in a later post. No promises. I want to be real with you and lay the foundation of what you can expect. You can expect that this resource is gaged for my benefit as much as the publics. I have not set post times and I may post little or a lot at one time. It is up to me to determine that.

For those who are looking for consistent content from this page, I’m sorry to say that I most likely will never be consistent. I’ve learn to be realistic with myself, and I am busy with other tasks in life. This resource will be more of a thought holding resource for myself that primarily revolves around myself development of my adoption. If you, as the reader, benefit from this, then that is the cherry on the top. With that said. I hope you do benefit from it and, for myself, I will continue to write to help sort through my thoughts and feelings. It is up to you to determine if you’d like to continue to check in from time to time and see if there is new content.

Another hope I have for this resource, as childish as it may seem, is that someday, some how, it will reach some of my biological family’s peripheral life and they will know me in some regard, regardless of how impossible that may seem. They may never understand the full content of this resource and I am sure the language barrier will not help, but it will exist ideally in some format outside myself. I want them to know who I am and all I can do is hope that one day we meet. This is an inner wish that will never change but may never come into fruition. I am mixed in regards to how I feel about it. In some regards I’m okay with that idea and in other’s I’m sad. Some days it leans more strongly in one direction than the other. But this is one of many internal struggles I must manage for myself as an adoptee.

My last quick thoughts before wrapping up this section is where I am currently so you may have some perspective. As of now, I’m about to leave my 20’s an enter my 30’s. This prospect is both exciting and said as my 20’s have been very eventful and life changing in my development of myself. I may do a recap in the future of my 20’s but there’s no guarantee of that. 30’s is an uncharted territory but well see how that develops. Again, I hope you benefit from my thoughts and what content that may come from this. If this turns out not to be your cup of tea, then go explore. There’s a lot out there. Please feel free to reach out to me. I am always up for a good conversation. And with that, I hope you enjoy. Thank you.

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